Well, we're back on the grid thanks to Beth and my sweet baby Isaac - whose first year I'm skimming through. This year we did a costume trial run at Boo at the Zoo . . .
Eli could not get "scary monster" off the brain - so that is what he is! This week in particular his costume was very appropriate. Chalk it up to terrible two but that boy has been VERY scary!
Analise wavered between a fairy, kitty, ladybug - and at one point was all three at once and finally settled on a fairy from the Nutcracker.
"Num, num, you look like a tasty treat!"
My kissy kissy lion I could just eat you up!
The next day - chez Mueller . . .
He's the monster from Where the Wild Things are - wow, enough said.
raking leaves this fall . . .
our work really only ended up as big jumping pile. No real leaf collection happened.