Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Montshire Science Museum

During these snowy months we're looking for things to do indoors - one place to head is the Montshire children's/ science museum The bubble exhibit, toddler tree house and giant moose keep us busy . . . for at least an hour!The little ornery one didn't want her picture taken
Eli is getting around so fast now and pulling up on everything that it's hard for me to remember a time when he was STATIONARY!!
There was a special exhibit by the Blue Man Group about science and music. It was fun to play songs with a giant paddle on different pipes . . .
Daddy takes a whack at it . . .

1 comment:

tiapugh said...

Do you know about Boomwhackers? They are plastic tubes that are tuned to particular notes and you whack them. I got a bunch for church and we used them on Christmas eve, like a little kiddo bell choir. (YES, I actually did something sort of musical! SHOCKING, I know)