Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sesame Street Live

"Please mom, I'm rea'y a go see Elmo show." I've been hearing this phrase since February when we were snowed out and unable to drive to see the show.
Eli totally missed an afternoon nap but held out through the whole thing!
ELMO!!! I have to admit, I go a little choked up on the "Sunny Day" montage :) good times
Abby Cadabby!!!!
I think Analise wants to BE her . . .
singing and dancing and lights . . . lots of crowd appeal!
Friends Zachy and Van
and mom Stephanie (who Analise calls Fuffy)
Waiting for the show to start- can't really see it here, but Eli is pinched down in the seat. He was too light to make it unfold! But he did fine sitting on my lap. Analise enjoyed the show (although the storyline was over her head). All in all a great outing!


Sara said...

How fun! I am so jealous! Daphne loves Sesame Street. We're going to have to see if it's coming to Denver. Hope all is well Sarah!

beth said...

yay, I'm glad that you finally got to go! Looked fabulous!