Thursday, May 5, 2011

New York - Day 3

The last morning in NY we drove to the Botanic Gardens in the Bronx. It was a perfect day for it! Clear skies and warm sun. After an incredibly long winter, this felt like heaven. This caterpillar was made all of flowers . . .
Still the cherry tree season and they were so gorgeous . . .
what are these? sweet peas? so cute! whatever they are, they reminded me of the little flowers that people used to get on May 1st in Paris.

The sad part of the weekend was that Eli lost a shoe. SO frustrating! But at least it was warm enough to be barefoot today
Say cheese guys, I'm going to take your picture . . .
Man down! Man down! Analise get off of him! No, you can't push on his tummy like that - it hurts him!
The trees were wearing great big princess dresses!

Catch it Eli!

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