Saturday, October 15, 2011

D is for . . .

D is for fall Day! This was a special one - out to pick pumpkins, take a hay ride, eat apples and enjoy blue sky. Pretty spectacular! This little farm has a big pumpkin patch, orchards, berry patches - everything needed to feel like a real fall day.
D for Dray horse! (OK, I had to look that one up- I admit) These Belgians pulled the hayride.
Delicious! It's so handy when you can just give them an apple and it keeps them busy all morning . . . no more bitty chopping, pureeing, . . . at least not for a few more months.

Determined . . . they're still working away at those apples

Decisions, decisions. Analise came back with about 10 pumpkins before deciding on the chosen one.
Driver. - every stick becomes a useful instrument for whacking away at a ball - or whatever else happens to be on the sidewalk.D for DOG. Grady is still around - trying to keep himself out of the way of curious kids, cleaning up the floor, harboring the occasional deer tick, and being an all around "good dog."
D for Daddy! Lately Daddy has been keeping busy when he's not in school by playing drums in the Tuck band (yeah - there's a Tuck band), getting in a few more rounds of golf before snow comes, and spending lots of time with his family - we're so lucky :)
Playing Thomas with Eli. Lately Eli has started saying Dada. Every wine glass I take out of the dishwasher gets a "dada," every time I open the refrigerator to get something the little runt grabs a beer and runs it to "dada." NO - we did not train him!! He loves his dada and nothing gets him motivated more than the prospect of playing with daddy.
D is for Dress up. Here Analise has laid out all of her outfits - complete with shoes and matching jewelry. Notice the mismatched shoes - this is on purpose and I have to talk her out of wearing them that way - we'll just stick with mismatched socks.
Dressing as a pink princess . . . As part of our D week we've been watching lots of Ballroom Dancing on youtube and she's a BIG fan. I can't get her as excited about Dolphins or Dogs but Dancing and Donuts are pretty motivating.
And a little note to baby #3 - your sister loves you! Whenever she and I sit together in the afternoon she likes to pull my shirt up and lay her head on my tummy. She waits patiently to feel you kick (and you usually comply). She tickles my tummy and says she is "tickling your back." You are already well loved and looked forward to.
Some friends over to play in the afternoon. Analise was being a punk and didn't want to turn around for a picture - but the girls were so cute! They had blankets and the tent out under the trees behind our apartment. I didn't see them for a few hours!
D is for dough. We spent a lot of time with playdough this week. For the most part Eli is over eating it - which is a relief.


beth said...

So cute, i wish we could be neighbors. Who cares about Idaho, move to Atlanta!!!

Anonymous said...

Strongly disagree Beth!!!! So sorry, but this Aunt has waited long enough to have her niece and nephews around :-) You can always visit Idaho....

The pictures are great Sarah! Looks like you are having a lot of fun.