Sunday, November 6, 2011

F is for . . .

Not too many pictures this week, although we have been enjoying all that F has to offer!

F is for Fan! This week Daniel had a few Fans as he played drums in the Tuck band. They did a really great job and surprised quite a few of their peers and maybe even themselves! At one point a number of his friends in the crowd started to chant "Mue-ller, Mue-ller." It took them doing it three different times for him to realize they were talking about him. It was pretty hillarious.

One day I took the kids to the pet store to just look at the fish (appropriate for F). It brought me back to the magical days of my childhood when we were first allowed to bike to the fish store on the corner near our house and just look around. Before I knew it I was suggesting that we pick out a fish to bring home! It started out as a 99 cent goldfish - but Analise was unwilling to accept that there were no pink goldfish and couldn't understand why we couldn't just get the $29.99 tropical pink fish in the tank next door. We compromised on a pink Beta - whom she appropriately named Pinkie. Pinkie is now living in a bowl on our dining room table and bringing all kinds of entertainment.

Here's an encore performance . . .


Brookings Advocates for Small Business and Market Freedom said...

Mueller - Mueller - Mueller - Mueller!!!! Rock ON!

Anonymous said...

The kids found it quite entertaining to watch/listen to Uncle Daniel rock out! :-) I just sat and laughed...