Tuesday, December 13, 2011

H.I. are for . . .

Hilton Head Island!
We spent a wonderful Thanksgiving with our Mueller family on the beach at Hilton Head, South Carolina. Time in the warm weather will hopefully make the winter more bearable here in N.H. - right?
snuggle time with blankie and Grandma. This was down time for Grandma who had been busy preparing a Thanksgiving dinner and taking Eli downstairs to play pool . . . well, his version of pool anyway
loving the sand!
Christmas at Thanksgiving with the Warrens. Analise has been a little confused by this and now calls her "Christmas list" her "Thanksgiving list" - ironic isn't it? Making a list of all your wants and calling them your Thanksgiving list - ah, out of the mouths of children . . .
tired out! After walking around Savannah all day the kiddos crashed in the stroller.
The beach house at Hilton Head.
waves crashing at night made sleeping like a baby easy - even for an 8.5 month preggo
Analise and Hannah help Grandma by cleaning off the beaters after making whipped cream.
little friends -

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