Sunday, January 1, 2012


Christmas this year was a quiet event - well as quiet as our family of four can ever be.
Christmas Eve Elijah was running a slight fever and very tired during the Christmas Eve service - he perked up a little for Christmas morning - but still went down for a nap at 10:30!

While he hasn't quite figured out the wonder of opening up presents - and actually threw one back at me because he was busy playing with something else - Analise has fully arrived. She tried her best to wait patiently for Elijah to open a gift before it was again her turn, but it's SO HARD when he just doesn't have the same enthusiasm!
The train set has been a big hit - we've built a new track every day!
Hmm, I see one with an "A" - is that for me?
"Let me double check . . . "
Daddy is relaxing for a little between cinnamon rolls and egg bake while kids are busy with toys.
Watching a little show and relaxing. We truly did not get out of our jammies the entire day - it was wonderful.
Happy Holidays! Ever since the ice show at Busch Gardens - Analise has been honing in on a perfect "Happy Holidays!" while waving at the crowd. She even "skates" over to shake hands with the audience - I love it!

1 comment:

au natural sarah said...

So cute! Love you guys :-)