Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Grandma S.

Next was a trip down to Fairbault to visit Great Grandma S. (Sarah's mom's, mom).

This was particularly special because Analise and her great Grandma are birthday buddies on June 29th.

Grandma sang all the old favorites like "Su -la - lu - la" and "by-a, by-a" - and a few other Norwegian lullabies. She also did the Grandma S. specialty - rocking baby on a pillow on her tummy. Immediate relief for upset tummies!


AK said...

Awwww, I'm bummed I didn't get to come back down before you left, but I ended up having to fix my car sooner...like the same day as the baptism, haha. I'm sure Grandma had a hay day with the little gal - she's got that "Grandma sees a baby" look in her eye.

beth said...

i can't wait until my little babers comes to viit me soon!!!