Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Look Who's Six Months

So the 29th rolls around and I'm thinking - hmm, Analise is six months today and it's been a long time since I consulted the Good Book ("What to Expect the First Year") about what should be or could be happening with a sixth month old. I actually felt kind of good about that because for awhile I was so addicted I was reading that thing DAILY!!
Anyway, they mentioned that baby might be sitting without support and I thought, hmm, we might want to start practicing that. So we propped her up with dad behind her and - voila! - she sits - who knew?
So happy sixth month birthday Analise, we sure love you!
And while we're on the subject of birthdays - HAPPY BIRTHDAY UNCLE P.J. who turns the big 21 on the first of January, we love you too and wish we were there to party . . . . I mean "celebrate" with you!

1 comment:

au natural sarah said...

Way to go Babers! What a big girl she looks like sitting up...she is too cute! I am loving the faces you caught.