Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving preparations

O.K.- it's official. I have purchased a jello mold. I'm still trying to come to grips with all that this signifies, but for those of you who fail to see the significance I will try to explain. Jello salads of any kind are associated with a certain cross section of our culture - namely the little old church ladies (I mean that in the best way possible.) Think about it - what pot luck, family reunion, or even big family meal was complete without jello. With or without foreign objects, jello has a long standing tradition and as such, held a place of honor on our Thanksgiving table this year.
The other pics are just evidence of Thanksgiving preparations.


beth said...

gross! My mom's best friend, Amanda, makes a jello salad that they call 'funeral salad' because someone always made it and brought it to funerals.

tiapugh said...

that is awesome. it makes me think of MN.

do you put shredded carrots in jello? I know people that do... it's just WRONG.