Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Afternoon walk

Grandma and Analise have been enjoying their time together. Yesterday it was a walk down to the lake to look at the boats and ducks.

"Hey, let me tell you a secret .. . psh, psh, psh"

Baby boy

Analise and her "boyfriend" Enzo. She loves holding his hand and she's the only one that he'll let hold his hand - so cute!

checking out the flowers . . .


Brookings Advocates for Small Business and Market Freedom said...

mom has probably not stopped 'smooching those cheeks' since she arrived. On a more serious note - I might suggest an age requirement for dating... I am thinking Analise might be a bit too young. Maybe 16...or 22 or something like that.

tiapugh said...


E doesn't have a girlfriend yet. He's a little jealous of this Enzo character...

AND... the family resemblance is incredible when Grandma is holding Analise.