Saturday, January 29, 2011

Story Time

Story time is Thursday mornings at the Howe Library in Hanover and it's one of our favorite outings! Analise is waving to "Midge" the teacher's puppet hedgehog. We have fun listening to stories, singing songs and coloring.playing her egg shaker . ..
My favorite part is watching Analise grow from such a little toddler to a pre-pre-schooler! We started coming at the beginning of the fall and the change in how she interacts in the class, listens to the stories and absorbs everything going on has been so interesting and fun to watch.
Our friend Stephanie and her two boys, Zachy and Van, come too!
After story time Analise lined up all the characters on the felt board . . .
Van and Eli - rebels without a cause, hangers-on in the "above 2 year old" class . . .
the magic rain stick turns over to say "The magic of story time has begun" it gets their attention every week!
Zachy putting his piece on the felt board
After story time we walk across the street to Ramuntos with Stephanie and her boys to have pizza for lunch. Usually the daddies get done around the same time and meet us there - definitely one of the highlights of our week! Here Analise and Zachy are checking out snow packed against the window and then chasing around the post. For all that Analise loves dollies, princesses and mommies - she really know how to hold her own and Zachy is often the brunt of her affections!


Unknown said...

HAHAHA sorry if this is crude but that last picture makes it look like Analise is helping him get his pee in the toilet hahahaha! Easily a LOL moment!

Unknown said...

They are getting so big. Can't wait to see them.