Friday, September 23, 2011

A is for . . .

"A" is for APPLE! This year we're following a letter of the week "curriculum" - meaning we pick 5 words that start with the letter of the week and then do things, sing songs, read stories, play games etc. - based on our letter. This week we did LOTS of apple related crafts, food, singing etc.
Apple printing - and color mixing . . .
a little finger painting . . . (this activity lasted about as long as it took for me to take the picture)
And apple picking! We went with the Tiny Tuckies to the apple orchard. We left with two grocery bags full of apples, apple cider, Indian corn, some gourds, and mini-pumpkins. Hurray for the first day of fall!! This is our very best friend Zachy - and I was trying to hop Van into the wagon, but wasn't quick enough! oops
Little man at the Farmer's Market. Not really A related, except he's an A+ to me :)

1 comment:

au natural sarah said...

Oh are AMAZING!!!! That is a good "a" adjective for you.