Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Summer Pics Pt. 2

Playing at the park in Idaho by Grandma's house
Eli doing his circuit . . . up the steps, across the bridge, up some more steps, down the slide - repeat as fast as possible . . .
During our one week trip to Pasco, Washington Daniel worked all day so the kids and I had plenty of time to explore the river as well as the wading pool in the park next to the hotel. Thankfully it was 90 degrees and sun every day or we would have been stuck!
throwing rocks . . .
testing the water - Analise is always ready to plunge in, but Eli was not so sure and preferred to look at the water rather than go in.Eating ice cream at a 50's style diner next to the hotel in the afternoon
goofy guy
first pics after his big hair cut - we can spike it now! Call me crazy, but I think his personality changed after the cut. It really launched him into toddler land versus sweet baby boy land . . .
I couldn't believe how much hair was on the floor after this cut!

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