Monday, July 28, 2008

Monday, Monday

Today was a sad day - time for our first vaccination. You can see the bandage on her little thigh. Mom held her, but there was no stopping that cry- WOW!
Besides the vaccination, the Dr. let took length and weight measurements and it looks like she's growing nicely.
She's at 4.2 kilos (just over 9 pounds) and 56 cm - up 5 cm from our last visit a month ago.
Daniel and I did some research about the measurements and, not surprisingly, she's in the 50th percentile in weight and 90th percentile for height. I think we have a Mueller on our hands!
Afterwards, Analise was pretty sleepy and is taking a nap with Grady.
Her outfit came from Christy Schaefer, out in Colorado- thanks Christy!

1 comment:

tiapugh said...

I think the top picture is a vision of my future. Insert larger husband, and replace laptop with Wii or Nintendo DS... and I think we'll be pretty close.

Oh... and little boy, not girl. :)