Friday, April 10, 2009

froggy bib

I guess I take a lot of pictures at lunch time . . . something to do with the fact that she's slow eater and needs lots of breaks and I get a little bored waiting.

I went to Ikea the other day with my friend and got some plants for the balcony as well as a few little odds and ends for Peesers. If you think you're ready to go postal after a normal trip to Ikea, imagine one with three kids in tow . . . you guessed it, SUPER postal!!

Here's her new froggy bib from Ikea. In theory it's great, the plastic is super practical and easy to clean, the little pocket at the bottom allows ample room for spills - it's great - in theory.

Actually though it's like wearing a breastplate and Analise has a hard time bringing her arms together to grab at those little bits of food. So frus-er-a-ting!

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