Sunday, May 3, 2009

Trouble with a capital T

This lady has been non-stop today . . . and she's making my life rather difficult.
She is "crawling" now (not the smoothest thing you've seen but surprisingly effective.)
Here she has completely emptied a few baskets of toiletries all in the span of blow drying my hair.
Nothing on the coffee table is safe - not even dad's laptop -

"hee, hee - look what I can do!"she scooted her way to Grady's kennel. The picture that's missing is the one of Grady staring longingly out the window after he ran away from her.
And finally - out of desperation to finish some cookies I enlisted some help. She had lots of fun making a royal mess and the cookies got finished - so it was a win, win.
I just want to say thanks to those who have expressed their appreciation for the blog. You have been like therapy for me! When I am in the situation - picking up the basket for the umpteenth time, chasing her out of the dog's kennel, pulling her away from the computer, letting her play in the flour (and then cleaning up the flour) - I feel like I can't get anything done and I'm tired! But in looking at these moments as snapshots I am able to gain a little perspective and I realize again how blessed I am! God is so good! So thanks for allowing me to share a little of each day with you and in doing that to hold on a little longer to each moment as it slips by.


au natural sarah said... are so right. In the moment it is so hard not feel completely exhausted and at a loss, but it sure does slip by all too quickly (even though at times it felt like those "phases" they went through didn't go quick enough!) Cindy was here this last weekend and couldn't get over how big Jacob was, even though she had just seen him a month ago. He is just about as tall as she is! I can't believe it! The kids sure love watching the videos. Thanks for helping us be a part of Analise's life:) Love you all!!

Unknown said...

crawling!! That's awesome. You know what that means? We don't need a wagon at my wedding anymore because our little flower girl will be walking down that aisle!! Saweet :)

Michele said...

Oh, yes Sarah . . . those moments are HARD and seem to last forever -- but when they are gone, you'll wish you had some of that back. I think sometimes we wish for them to grow up, then in a blink of the eye they ARE grown up and we wish we could have them smaller again. Bet you're wishing she was in the pre-crawling stage sometimes now. :)

Elizabeth said...

Hey Sarah! I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy reading your blog also. :) PJ is always so excited to tell me about Analise and I love it!

Unknown said...


Just wanted you to know that I have your blog bookmarked and I visit it every day. I enjoy seeing Analise grow up and I am always disappointed when there is no new posts (the boys think I am a bit kooky:-)
Love you lots

Unknown said...

Jacob and Hannah and Grandma are watching Analise tonight and she is our entertainment. We have had quite a laugh. Thank you for the fun.