Friday, July 10, 2009

Spoons up!

When I read about how some moms had a hard time handling the messes of eating I thought they must just be really touchy. After all - we have some spills and wipe ups, but nothing that seems too over the top. Yesterday, however, I think we crossed the threshold of a new era.
She wants to hold the spoon herself.
It used to be that she's hold the spoon in one hand and then try to pick up the food with the free hand but yesterday she actually put the spoon in the food and got (some) to her mouth!
This quickly turned into chaos however and I now understand why the messes of lunchtime might start to get to a person. But I am willing and eager for her to continue trying because I see that at the end it will be really quite convenient for her to feed herself. Not only is spoon feeding time consuming - it might be awkward for her on a first date or something . . .


au natural sarah said...

It made me laugh:) I love the head in the bowl approach. She was pretty well covered!

Jennifer said...

Holy mess batman! Sarah you are a trooper to let her try on her own. And yes - better now than on a first date. Do they make full body plastic suits? :)