Monday, January 19, 2009

Bers . . .

We spent so much time and effort choosing her name and to what end? We are experiencing the growth a of a "nick name" - yikes.
From Analise to
Leesy Peesy to
Peesers to
Babers (dad's addition) to
C'est logique - n'est pas?

It may not be logical - but she's our Bers.

1 comment:

tiapugh said...

but that's so sweet. Dan is kind of a nickname creating kind of guy isn't he?

update on my life:
we're almost to a point where i can stay home! whoo hoo!
also... i signed up for Fairbanks Funny Fest next week. It's a three day workshop where you learn how to create a 3-5 minute stand-up routine. I'll get to perform as an opening act for a comedian coming to town next weekend. FUN!
I'll let you know how it goes. I'm working on two ideas... funny things about having a new baby and all of my quests to be cool as a kid. we'll see.

take care of you and your family!