Monday, August 4, 2008

Hanging Around

When I first started the blog I wondered if I would get enough pictures to keep this going with updates. Well, getting enough pictures of Analise does not seem to be a problem in our house!
I think she can't do much of anything that we don't find new and cute.

Today Analise is on her changing table. The table actually attaches over the top of her crib- so there are blankets underneath and her toys hang down into it.

In this close up profile, I really see her dad's features! Other family members have mentioned seeing aunt Sarah . . .umm, anybody else??

Maybe I'm getting overboard with the pictures. She seems to be getting sick of all the press attention but her adoring fans just want more! What a tragedy! Actually, this little dramatic scene seems somewhat accurate so far. I'm not for sure, but it seems we have a little diva on our hands. (The cute little crocheted top is thanks to Uncle Ben- it's so sweet on her and perfect for the warm weather.)

Can you spot the fuzzy head? She always seems so little curled up on mom and dad's big bed. Kind of reminds me of Corduroy Bear getting lost in the big department store. He just needs somebody to take him home and give him a bed just his size. Well, we have a place just her size here.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Theresa and I love the pictures, but I have to say that this post is the most poetic yet. Nods to literature, word play, what will we see next?