Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Finishing the trip . . .

Well, it's about time I wrap up these pictures from the trip I suppose. So here are a few more from Austria.
We hiked up a steep hill to an old monastary that overlooks the city of Salzburg and the castle across the way . . . The whole city was so quaint and story book-ish, this sort of caps it off.
"I think I like this Jane lady . . . and I think I really like her dessert!"

"Yep, pretty sure I do."

"Umm, can I have another bite please?"
Concentrating on her apple strudel . . .
"Look, I'm opening up!"
"Mmm, that's good."

Alan calls Analise a little bird and you can really see why in this video . . . she just dives in!

1 comment:

Brookings Advocates for Small Business and Market Freedom said...

Looks like fun sarah! Thanks for sharing the pictures and videos.